Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2020


Who doesn't know Emperor Hirohito? Of course, veterans and historians of World War II know his name. He was the leader of the cherry country who was involved in the battles of World War II on the Asia Pacific peninsula. Thanks to his leadership, the United States and its allies were overwhelmed by the Japanese army. 

Emperor Hirohito was born at Puri Aoyama, Tokyo on April 29, 1901. Meanwhile, his reign in Japan started from December 25, 1926 to January 7, 1989.

During the Hirohito Empire, Japan was recorded as being involved in wars in several areas, including the 1931 Manchurian incident, the 1931 Nanking incident, and World War II by launching an attack on the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor on December 9, 1941.

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Because of this action, after Japan suffered a war defeat with the destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the emperor was threatened with death. Emperor Hirohito was the longest reigning emperor and who ruled Japan during the chaos of World War II and was the main target of the War Crimes Tribunal after the end of the Great Pacific War.

The countries that want Hirohito to be tried and hanged as punishment for inciting brutality in Asia are Russia and China.

(Read to : Adolf Hitler)

Emperor Hirohito died on January 7, 1989 due to colon cancer he suffered from. His funeral was attended by world leaders such as President of the United States George Bush, French President Francois Mitterand, HRH Duke of Edinburgh of England, and King HM Baudouin of Belgium, on 24 February 1989.

Adolf Hitler

Almost everyone who studies war history knows Adolf Hitler. This German national man was highly respected by the German people and also his enemies in world war. Then, who is Adolf Hitler? 

Adolf Hitler was a veteran of World War I who had many titles in warfare. He joined the German Workers' Party (the predecessor of the NSDAP) in 1919. Hitler became chairman of the NSDAP in 1921. Then in 1923, he launched a revolt (coup) in Munich, known as the Beer Hall Putsch. 

But in the end, the coup failed and resulted in Hitler being arrested. In 1924 Hitler was released from prison, Hitler won popular support by denouncing the Versailles agreement and upholding pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism, and anti-communism through his charismatic speeches and Nazi propaganda. 

The invasion led to the outbreak of World War II in Europe. Under Hitler's rule, in 1941 German and allied forces managed to occupy large parts of Europe and North Africa. Hitler's goal was to establish the New Order, Nazi Germany, absolute hegemony in mainland Europe. Until then, his foreign and domestic policies aimed at achieving a Lebensraum (living space) for the Germanic people. Hitler ordered Germany to rearm and invade Poland in September 1939. 

(Read to : Napoleon Bonaparte)

Historian Antony Beevor argues that when the war broke out, "Hitler was an inspired leader, because his genius lay in assessing the weaknesses of others and exploiting them." However, from 1941 onwards, "He became very sclerotic. He did not allow retreat or flexibility of any kind among his field commanders, and that was devastating."

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2020

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who doesn't know Napoleon Bonaparte? his name is often heard in the history of war both when studying in school or college.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military leader and politician who became famous during the revolutionary war.

He was born on August 15, 1769 and died on May 5, 1821. He was Emperor of France from 1804 to 1814. Napoleon came from a local noble family with the name Napoleone di Buonaparte (in Corsican Nabolione or Nabulione).

Military career

Napoleon became a student at the Brienne Military Academy in 1779 at the age of 10. Thanks to his intelligence, Napoleon graduated from the academy at the age of 15. His military career took off rapidly after he managed to quell riots driven by royalist supporters in a very surprising way, namely by firing a cannon at the city of Paris from the top of the tower. The incident occurred in 1795 when Napoleon was 26 years old. He won various wars, including against Austria and Prussia.

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During his heyday, Napoleon Bonaparte controlled almost all of Europe either by means of diplomacy or by means of war. The areas that Napoleon managed to control included the Netherlands with the appointment of his younger brother Louis Napoleon, Spain with the appointment of Joseph Napoleon, Sweden with the appointment of General Bernadotte as king who later committed treason, most of Italy was captured from Austria and Poland with the appointment of Joseph Poniatowski as the mayor of Poland .

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Napoleon's influence

Napoleon had considerable influence on European affairs for more than a decade when he led France against coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won nearly all of his battles, quickly gaining control of continental Europe before his final defeat in 1815.

As one of history's greatest commanders, his campaigns were studied in military schools around the world and he remains one of the most famous and debatable political figures in Western history.


Who doesn't know Emperor Hirohito? Of course, veterans and historians of World War II know his name. He was the leader of the cherry cou...